Tuesday, April 22, 2008

When smart people say stupid things

It's a pity that a public figure makes a good speech, showing the proper humility, competence, determination and thoroughness, and proceeds to give a real silly answer (IMHO) to a legitimate question.

A arranges for Lady B and Guy C, both perfect strangers, to meet at the town square. They have not seen each other and are not able to obtain photos in time. In describing Guy C to Lady B, A takes an unduly long time.

A to B: I've arranged for you to meet Guy C at the town square at 10am.
B: How does C look like?
A: He's a guy.... Sorry I have to be very cautious about my description as I want to be very accurate. Won't do to have you meet the wrong guy! Give me a few days. I don't have the information clearly in my mind or on the records.

[Five days later]
A to B: He'll be wearing a yellow shirt and green pants.
A adds: Give me some more time. I want to be accurate.

[Another 14 days later]
A to B: I'm very sure now. He has a mole under his eye.
B: Thanks. Erm... what took you so long? Don't tell me you were interviewing C's minders and submitting them to polygraph tests to ensure that they weren't lying about the mole?

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